Tektronix MSO68B 6 Series B MSO Oscilloscope, 8 FlexChannels
6 Series B MSO Oscilloscope, 8 FlexChannels

Order #: MSO68B

Mfg #: MSO68B

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Tektronix MSO68B 6 Series B MSO Oscilloscope, 8 FlexChannels

6 Series B MSO Oscilloscope, 8 FlexChannels

Order #: MSO68B

Mfg #: MSO68B

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Troubleshoot and validate high-speed designs now and into the future with upgradeable bandwidth that starts at 1 GHz and goes up to 8 GHz . Get accurate measurements with low noise and 25 GS/s sample rate per channel -- sample rate does not drop as you turn on channels.  

This item is no longer available. Please contact Transcat Customer Service for assistance with alternative product suggestions to meet your exact needs.

Product Highlights

Troubleshoot and validate high-speed designs with bandwidth that starts at 1 GHz and goes up to 10 GHz . Get accurate measurements with low noise and sample rate up to 50 GS/s . See more of your design with 6- and 8-channel models.

What's new in the B version

More channels

  • 4, 6 and 8 channel models

Even lower noise

  • Industry-leading noise performance in all vertical ranges as percent of full scale

Higher bandwidth

  • 1- 8 GHz are still available. 10 GHz has been added

Flexible Sampling

  • 50 GS/s on 2 channels
  • 25 GS/s on 4 channels
  • 12.5 GS/s on >4 channels

Simplified security

  • All user data is stored on a removable solid state drive

Lowest noise. More detail.

See signal details you couldn

Win a Generac Generator when purchasing $750 or more from Transcat.Win a Generac Generator when purchasing $750 or more from Transcat.
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    Availability: Call for availability
  2. Tektronix MSO68B 6-IMDA-DQ0 Installed Option, Inverter Motor Drive Analysis w/DQ0
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    Mfg #: MSO68B 6-IMDA-DQ0

    This item is no longer available. Please contact Transcat Customer Service for assistance with alternative product suggestions to meet your exact needs.
  3. Tektronix MSO68B 6-SEC Installed Option, Enhanced Security
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    Installed Option, Enhanced Security

    Order #: MSO68B 6-SEC

    Mfg #: MSO68B 6-SEC

    Availability: Call for availability
FlexChannel inputs 4 6 8
Maximum analog channels 4 6 8
Maximum digital channels (with optional logic probes) 32 48 64
Bandwidth (calculated rise time)

1 GHz (400 ps), 2.5 GHz (160 ps), 4 GHz (100 ps), 6 GHz (66.67 ps), 8 GHz (50 ps), 10 GHz (40 ps)

Derate 10 GHz Bandwidth at 0.05 dB/5 °C above 23 °C. Derate 8 GHz Bandwidth at 0.02 dB/5 °C above 23 °C

DC Gain Accuracy

50 Ω: ±2.0% at >2 mV/div (±2.0% at 2 mV/div typical, ±4% at 1mV/div typical)

50 Ω: ±1.0% of full scale at >2 mV/div, (±1.0% of full scale at 2 mV/div typical, ±2% at 1 mV/div typical)

1 MΩ: ±2.0% at >2 mV/div (±2% at 2 mV/div, ±2.5% at 1 mV/div typical and 500µV/div typical)

1 MΩ: ±1.0% of full scale at >2 mV/div, (±1.0% of full scale at 2 mV/div typical, ±1.25% at 1 mV/div and 500µV/div, typical)

ADC Resolution 12 bits
Vertical Resolution

8 bits @ 50 GS/s; 10 GHz on 2 channels

8 bits @ 25 GS/s; 10 GHz on 4 channels

12 bits @ 12.5 GS/s; 5 GHz on all channels

13 bits @ 6.25 GS/s (High Res); 2 GHz on all channels

14 bits @ 3.125 GS/s (High Res); 1 GHz on all channels

15 bits @ 1.25 GS/s (High Res); 500 MHz on all channels

16 bits @ ?625 MS/s (High Res); 200 MHz on all channels

Sample Rate 50 GS/s on 2 analog / digital channels (20 ps resolution); 25 GS/s on 4 analog / digital channels (40 ps resolution); 12.5 GS/s on > 4 analog / digital channels (80 ps resolution)
Record Length 62.5 Mpoints on all analog / digital channels, (125 Mpoints, 250 Mpoints, 500 Mpoints on all channels optional; 1 Gpoints on up to four channels with 500 Mpoints on all channels for MSO66B and MSO68B instruments)
Waveform Capture Rate

>500,000 wfms/s (Peak Detect, Envelope acquisition mode),

>30,000 wfms/s (all other acquisition modes)

Arbitrary/Function Generator (opt.) 13 predefined waveform types with up to 50 MHz output
DVM 4-digit DVM (free with product registration)
Trigger Frequency Counter 8-digit frequency counter (free with product registration)