Order #: PVA-1500HE-RENT1
Mfg #: PVA-1500HE-RENT1
Solmetric PVA-1500HE for Rent, High Efficiency PV Analyzer, 1500V/30A with I-V Curve
Order #: PVA-1500HE-RENT1
Mfg #: PVA-1500HE-RENT1

Product Highlights
The Solmetric PVA-1500HE PV I-V Curve Tracer is a 1500 volt I-V curve tracer with built-in PV performance modeling and advanced wireless irradiance, temperature and tilt sensing. It provides unprecedented measurement throughput and accuracy and delivers deep insight into the performance of your arrays. With the Solemtric PVA-1500HE Analyzer Kit the Irradiance, module temperature, and tilt are measured with the SolSensor. The I-V Unit communicates wirelessly to the Solsensor, enhancing safety and allowing freedom of movement during testing.
The Solmetric PVA-1500HE PV I-V Curve Tracer can measure strings up to 30 Amps. This can be useful for measuring multiple strings in parallel, for example when harnessing before the combiner box is employed. The PVA-1500HE is optimized to accurately measure all types of PV modules. Strings of modern high-current, high-efficiency modules, including monocrystalline, PERC, HJT, and bi-facial, pose a particular challenge for many I-V curve tracers.
- Voltage Range: 20 - 1500 V DC
- Max Current: 30 A DC
- Measurement Sweep Time: < 250 ms
- I-V Trace Points: 100 or 500 Selectable