The Keysight 5316A is a universal counter, measuring signals over a range of DC to 100 MHz. The 5316A measures Frequency, Period, Time Interval Average, Time Interval Holdoff (delay), and Ratio. A Totalize function with manual or external gating is also provided. All measurements except Totalize are displayed in engineering notation with up to eight digits of resolution.
The 5316A can be programmed via the Hewlett Packard Interface Bus (HP-IB)
Two independent input channels are provided for time interval measurements
Each input channel has an Attenuator (X1, X20), Trigger Slope selector, Trigger Level / Sensitivity control, three-state trigger lamps, and front panel Trigger Level Monitoring jacks
A front panel selectable Low-Pass Filter is provided for Channel A
Four options extend the capabilities of the 5316A:
Option 001 TCXO and Option 004 Oscillator offer improved time base stability
Option 003 Channel C frequency measurements in the range of 50 MHz to 1 GHz
Option 006 Offset / Normalizer allows active mathematical modifications to the 5316A
The 5316A is designed for rack mounting or stacking, and features a metal cabinet to minimize EMI
Frequency range: 0.1 Hz to 100 MHz
Resolution: 8 digits
Measurements: Frequency, ratio, totalization, period, time interval
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