Order #: 59340-RENT2
Mfg #: 59340
Boonton 59340 for Rent, Peak Power Sensor, 50 MHz to 40 Ghz, <10 ms Rise Time
Order #: 59340-RENT2
Mfg #: 59340
Product Highlights
The Boonton 59340 Peak Power Sensor is optimized for Boonton's high end Peak Power Meter series 4500B and 4540. It provides dynamic input power ranges from -24 dBm to +20 dBm in Peak mode and -34 dBm to +20 dBm in CW mode. With frequencies of up to 40GHz, its rise time of less than 10 ns and a bandwidth of up to 35MHz, the Boonton 59340 can even handle the most complex signal forms. Due to its high speed, the sensor is ideal for statistical measurements with high dynamic signal content.
In combination with Boonton's 4540 and 4500B RF power meters, the Boonton 59340 RF Power sensor is ideal for communications, wireless, aerospace and RADAR applications. The Boonton 59340 sensor is extraordinarily fast, but may also handle very low frequencies, starting as low as 50 MHz. Frequency range is dependent upon which bandwidth the sensor is set to; it ranges from 0.5 GHz to 40 GHz in high bandwidth mode and from 50 MHz to 40GHz in low bandwidth mode. All 59340 sensors are equipped with a K (m) connector.