Adjustable type features external scale that can be set simply by twisting the body to line up with desired torque value and then secured in place with black lock ring.
Hexagonal shaped locker prevents driver from rolling when set down on flat surfaces between uses.
Upon reaching set torque, user will sense the limit. The tool will spring back slightly and user must stop turning.
If user, continues past the limit, tool will continue to apply additional torque.
LTD is non rotary type. See RTD version for rotary slip feature which prevents over-torque.
Tohnichi's toggle clutch torque detection mechanism enhances accuracy and durability.
Accepts standard 1/4" hex root bit (sold separately)
For Preset Version Limiting Screwdriver, See Model NTD
Counterclockwise tightening model available upon request.
Applicable for international use including the EU region. Compliant with calibration procedures of ISO 6789 Type II Class D.