NOSHOK 628-10000-1-1-H-14-3-CH
628 Series IS Hammer Union Xmtr 10k psi, 0.25%FS,4-20mA,Bendix
Order #: 628-10000-1-1-H-14-3-CH
Mfg #: 628-10000-1-1-H-14-3-CH
NOSHOK 628-10000-1-1-H-14-3-CH
628 Series IS Hammer Union Xmtr 10k psi, 0.25%FS,4-20mA,Bendix
Order #: 628-10000-1-1-H-14-3-CH
Mfg #: 628-10000-1-1-H-14-3-CH
Product Highlights
- Pressure Range: 0 psig to 10,000 psig
- Accuracy: ± .25% full scale
- Output Signal: mA to 20 mA, 2-wire
- Wiring Code: H (Standard)
- Process Connection: 2" Wing union (#1502)
- Electrical Connection: 6-pin Bendix (MIL-C-26482)
- Option: Carrying Handle
- Ranges from 0 psig to 5,000 psig through 0 psig to 20,000 psig
- Current output
- Inconel X-750 wetted parts
- Canadian Standards Association approved
- NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 compliant
- Every sensor comes with a Certificate of Calibration
- Certifications pending: Factory Mutual, ATEX, and CE