Our expertly trained repair technicians can turn your jobs around faster than the OEM and often for less. Our unique five step process allows us to quickly identify the more difficult cases and get them to our most experienced repair technicians. We also keep simpler repair items moving through the process, so you can get them back faster.
Click on the steps below to follow our repair process:
You would be surprised how many repair shops forego this critically important step! We record as much information as possible when we receive your instrument for two very good reasons:
To preserve data that may be required for your quality system and/or is critical to your proces
To verify all of the faults in your instrument Sometimes during this step, we find that an instrument simply requires adjustment rather than repair.
Step 2: Simple Repairs
In this step, our repair technicians will review the "as found" data to determine the trouble spots. If the technician cannot repair the instrument after a brief amount of time, it moves to the next step along with the repair technician's notes. However, the majority of instruments are repaired during this step.
Step 3: Moderate Repairs
As the simpler repairs are cleared away, the remaining instruments are funneled to the next repair section, where technicians will troubleshoot the more difficult repairs. A good portion of the remaining instruments are fixed in this step through component and/or circuit card replacement. A small portion will move on to the next step.
Step 4: Complex Repairs
Only the most difficult instrument repairs make it to this level, where our repair technicians will spend a longer period of time to resolve the malfunction.
Step 5: Record "As Left" Data
If you have purchased a calibration with your repair, your instrument will be calibrated in our ISO 17025 accredited calibration laboratory, and the post-repair data will be recorded. Most instruments can be repaired, but a very small number result in a status that is either beyond economical repair or must be sent to the original equipment manufacturer to resolve the issue.