Order #: 1007-023
Mfg #: 1007-023
Megger 1007-023 TL3-C-BT51 Connect test leads for BT51, 3 m
Order #: 1007-023
Mfg #: 1007-023
Product Highlights
- TL3-C-BT51 Individual Connect Test Leads
- For BT51 - 3m
- No terminations
Duplex connect test lead system for use with any Megger 10 A DLRO and BT51 instruments
The Megger DLRO duplex connect four terminal test lead system is designed to provide the most cost effective and convenient way to provide the user with all of the test lead terminations and lead lengths required for the many different applications encountered in low resistance testing.
At the centre of this unique test lead system is a bespoke connector allowing terminations such as kelvin clips or duplex test probes to be changed as required. There are two connector versions, one being fitted with indicator LEDs that operate with the DLRO10 range of instruments. The indicator LEDs provide enhanced safety and convenience with indications as follows:
- Warning of connection to hazardous live voltage (Not DLRO10X, warning is given on the display)
- When continuity is made
- When a test complete and measurement is on instrument display
- DLRO10X adds
- Indication of pass / fail to user set test limits
All of these important indications are therefore seen near the point of connection without needing to view the instrument display. There is even a 6 m extension lead to provide the ultimate in flexibility.
These safety warnings must be read and understood before the instrument is used. Always refer to the user manual of the instrument being used with these test leads. Do not touch the universal connector during test or while connected to hazardous voltages. Whenever possible, circuits should be de-energised before testing.
If it is impossible to de-energise the circuit, (e.g. high voltage batteries cannot be switched off while their connections are tested) the user must be aware of the dangers. The instrument terminals will become live when connected to the circuit. Therefore when used on hazardous voltages the Megger terminal cover (available separately) must be used. See the accessories section of this user guide.
When running any test, or when attached to a test load, do not undo the modular connections. Isolate both test leads before changing any part of the modular leadset.
These test leads on their own not safety CAT rated due to the bare hook terminations. However when fitted with insulating instrument terminal covers and a suitably rated test termination the overall safety CAT rating will be the lowest of the ratings between the instrument, the terminal covers and the test termination.
For example if used with a DLRO10HD fitted with terminal cover part number 1002-390 and a pair of DP1-C duplex probes the safety rating of the complete system will be CAT III 300 V. However if the test terminations were changed to KC1-C Kelvin clips the safety rating would drop to <30 V as the KC1-C are un-rated.
Testing inductive circuits can be hazardous:
- After testing an inductive load there will be an amount of energy stored in the inductance. This energy is released in the form of a discharge current. Disconnecting an inductive load while current is still flowing will cause a high voltage arc, which is a danger to both the user and the item under test
- The DLRO connector lit lead sets are fitted with a
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