Keysight 3446SECU Upgrade-NISPOM & File Security
Upgrade-NISPOM & File Security
Order #: 3446SECU
Mfg #: 3446SECU
Keysight 3446SECU Upgrade-NISPOM & File Security
Upgrade-NISPOM & File Security
Order #: 3446SECU
Mfg #: 3446SECU
In stock
Product Highlights
3446SECU enables NISPOM and file security on Keysight Truevolt Series DMMs.
Features include a front panel command to execute a Memory Sanitize, disables front panel USB write capability to external devices, and disables LXI Web page remote instrument control capability. Receive entitlement certificate, register via Keysight web site, and obtain software keycode to enable the upgrade