HT Instruments MACROTESTG3
Multifunction tester according to IEC 61557
Order #: HV005036
HT Instruments MACROTESTG3
Multifunction tester according to IEC 61557
Order #: HV005036
Product Highlights
- Continuity of protection conductors with 200mA
- Insulation resistance with 50, 100, 250, 500,1000V DC
- Type A, AC, and B general, selective, and delayed RCDs up to 1000mA
- Test on earth leakage relay RCDs (with RCDX10 optional accessory)
- Line/fault impedance with prospective short circuit current calculation
- High resolution line/fault impedance (with IMP57 optional accessory)
- Curve B, C, D, and K MCBs and type gG and aM fuses
- Selection of length, type, and insulation of the cable under test
- Selection of tripping time of the protection device under test
- Earth resistance and soil resistivity with auxiliary rods
- Earth ground resistance (with T2100 optional accessory)
- Non-trip earth loop impedance
- Phase sequence indication
- Voltage drop on main power lines
- Power Analysis, Harmonic analysis up to 25th
- Leakage current by means of the external transducer HT96U (optional)
- Environmental parameters (C/F, HR%, Lux) by means of optional probes
Each Unit Includes
- TFT display with touch-screen
- Help on-line
- Internal memory
- USB interface to connect to the PC
- Built-in WiFi interface to connect to iOS and Android devices
- Rechargeable NiMH batteries (external battery charger)
All products in this series
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