Skin Temperature Screening – Certified Data Report
Why do I need to verify my skin temperature screening device?
- Do I know if it is reading correctly?
- What do I do if it isn’t?
- Am I sure that it is being used properly?
- Do I know if my unit has an offset?
We can help you be certain of your screening process!
With the onset of COVID-19, skin temperature screening has become critical in identifying persons with potentially Elevated Body Temperatures (EBT). Unfortunately, Infrared (IR) thermometers that are used for this initial skin temperature screening vary greatly in accuracy. In addition, the forehead temperature is different than core body temperature. Without knowing what temperature your IR thermometer is reading, you could be getting false positive readings.

Transcat has developed a Skin Temperature Screening Certified Data Report for your IR Body Temperature thermometer. We will use one of our high accuracy traceable calibration standards to:
- simulate a representation of the forehead temperature of a person with an average core body temperature of 98.6°F
- provide you a certified data report with the correction factor so that you can adjust for the variance in your thermometer
- enter the offset for you if your thermometer is capable
For a more detailed explanation, see our application note on Elevated Skin Temperature IR Thermometer Use.
For more information on our skin temperature screening or other EBT solutions, use our Live Chat system, complete our Request a Quote form, or call us at 800-828-1470.
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