Keysight E36312A DC Power Supply, triple-output, 6V, 5A & 2x25V, 1A, 80W: USB, LAN
DC Power Supply, triple-output, 6V, 5A & 2x25V, 1A, 80W:USB,LA

Order #: E36312A

Mfg #: E36312A

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Keysight E36312A DC Power Supply, triple-output, 6V, 5A & 2x25V, 1A, 80W: USB, LAN

DC Power Supply, triple-output, 6V, 5A & 2x25V, 1A, 80W:USB,LA

Order #: E36312A

Mfg #: E36312A

Availability: Ships in 4-6 weeks

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Product Highlights

Output Rating- 80 W

  • Output 1: 0 to 6 V, 0 to 5 A
  • Output 2: 0 to 25 V, 0 to 1 A
  • Output 3: 0 to 25 V, 0 to 1 A

Programming Accuracy ±(% of output + offset)

  • Voltage: 0.03% + 2 mV, 0.03% + 5 mV, 0.03% + 5 mV
  • Current: 0.04% + 3 mA, 0.04% + 2 mA, 0.04% + 2 mA

Ripple & Noise (20 Hz to 20 MHz)

  • Normal Mode Voltage: <350 µVrms/ 2 mV p-p, <350 µV rms/2 mV p-p, <350 µV rms/2 mV p-p
  • Normal-mode current: <2 mA rms, <1 mA rms, <500 µA rms

Readback Accuracy ±(% of output + offset)

  • Voltage: 0.04% + 2 mV, 0.04% + 5 mV, 0.04% + 5 mV
  • Current: 0.04% + 3 mA, 0.04% + 3 mA, 0.04% + 3 mA
  • Low Range Current, 20 mA: 0.25% + 80 uA

The E36312A Series triple output power supply is ready for your bench application. With low output ripple/noise and accurate voltage/current measurements, you can test with confidence. You have access to advanced features such as data logging, output sequencing, list mode, and output coupling. For higher power and similar features, see the E36313A (160 W) model. For a more economical power supply with a basic feature set, see the E36311A (80 W).

Each Unit includes

  • AC power cord
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