Fluke 789 for Rent, ProcessMeter, Digital Multimeter and Loop Calibrator
ProcessMeter, DMM and Loop Calibrator
Order #: 789-RENT1
Mfg #: FLUKE-789
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Fluke 789 for Rent, ProcessMeter, Digital Multimeter and Loop Calibrator
ProcessMeter, DMM and Loop Calibrator
Order #: 789-RENT1
Mfg #: FLUKE-789
Product Highlights
- 24 V loop power supply
- HART mode setting with loop power (adds 250 ohm resistor)
- 100% larger dual display
- 1200 ohm drive capability on mA source
- Enhanced backlight with two brightness settings
- Improved battery power with four AA batteries
- 0-100% mA Span Check buttons to toggle between 4 and 20 mA
- Infrared I/O serial port compatible with FlukeView Forms
- V 2.1 Software (available Feb. 2003)
- 5 V dc measurement capability on the 4 V dc range for precise 1-5 V measurements
- Externally accessible fuses for easy replacement
- DMM designed to meet 1000 V IEC 1010 Cat III standards
- Precision 1000 V, 440 mA digital multimeter
- Measure ac and dc volts
- AC and dc voltage accuracy: 0.05 % dc current accuracy, 1 uA resolution to 30 mA
- Simultaneous mA and % of scale readout
- True-rms ac voltage measurement
- Frequency measurement to 20 kHz
- Min/Max/Average/Hold/Relative modes
- Diode Test and Continuity Beeper
- 20 mA dc current source / loop calibrator / simulator
- Simultaneous mA and % of scale readout
- Manual Step (100 %, 25 %, Coarse, Fine) plus Auto Step and Auto Ramp
- Externally accessible battery for easy battery changes V overload protection on V, ohms, frequency, mA (backed-up by 440 mA 1000 V fuse)
- Process Meter
Each Unit Includes
- TL71 Premium Test Lead Set
- AC72 Alligator Clips
- Four AA alkaline batteries (installed)
- Users Manual
- Quick Reference Guide
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