Fluke Calibration 5628-12-G Secondary Standard PRT, 25Ohm, 12"
Secondary Standard PRT, 25Ohm 12"
Order #: 5628-12-G
Mfg #: 1654428
Fluke Calibration 5628-12-G Secondary Standard PRT, 25Ohm, 12"
Secondary Standard PRT, 25Ohm 12"
Order #: 5628-12-G
Mfg #: 1654428
In stock
Product Highlights
- Range to 660°C
- Meets all ITS-90 reMeets all ITS-90 requirements for resistance ratios
- Rtp drift < 20mK after 500 hours at 660°C
- Strain-free sensor design by Hart's SPRT engineers
- High-temp PRT, 25.5 Ohm, 305 mm (12 in)
- If you're using block calibrators, furnaces, or temperature points above normal PRT temperatures (420 °C), then these two PRTs are for you
- The 5626 is nominally 100Ω and the 5628 is nominally 25.5 Ohm
- Both instruments have a temperature range of -200 °C to 661 °C
- They make great working or check standards for calibration work up to the aluminum point
- Using a regular PRT at temperatures above 500°C exposes the platinum to contamination
- If the PRT is used as a reference or calibration standard, contamination is a major problem
- SPRTs, which are more expensive and delicate, can handle the higher temperatures, but with greater risk to the instrument due to shock, contamination, or mishandling
- The 5626 and 5628 are designed to reduce the contamination risk through the use of internal protection while not impairing performance
Each Unit Includes
- Accredited Calibration
- Complete with ITS-90 constants and a resistance-versus-temperature table
- 5-pin DIN for Tweener Thermometers
Automating and Documenting Temperature Calibration Webinar with Fluke Calibration
Differential Pressure Meter Gas Custody Transfer Calibration Webinar with Fluke
- Fluke Calibration 2609 Spare Case (for 635mm [25"] long TC) / 5626 SeriesSpare Case(for 635mm[25"] long TC) / 5626 Series
Order #: 2609
Mfg #: 2788701
Availability: Call for availabilitySpecial Price $420.52 Regular Price $472.50