AEMC Instruments 8336 for Rent, PowerPad 3-Phase PQ Analyzer with four 193-24-BK 24" Flex 6500A AC Sensor
PowerPad III PQ Analyzer w/ 4 193-24-BK (24"Flex 12000A AC)
Order #: 2136.31-RENT1
Mfg #: 2136.31
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AEMC Instruments 8336 for Rent, PowerPad 3-Phase PQ Analyzer with four 193-24-BK 24" Flex 6500A AC Sensor
PowerPad III PQ Analyzer w/ 4 193-24-BK (24"Flex 12000A AC)
Order #: 2136.31-RENT1
Mfg #: 2136.31
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Product Highlights
- Measurement of TRMS Voltages Up to 1000Vrms AC/DC for Two-, Three-, Four- or Five-Wire Systems
- Measurement of TRMS Currents Up to 10,000Arms (Sensor Dependent)
- Direct Measurement of Neutral Current and Voltage
- Frequency Measurement (40 to 69Hz Systems)
- Record and Display Trend Data as Fast as Once Per Second for One Month for Up to 25 Variables
- Transient Detection on all V and I Inputs (Up to 210)
- Selectable PT and CT Ratios
- Inrush Current Measurement
- Calculation of Crest Factors for V and A
- Calculation of The K-Factor for Transformers
- Calculation of Short-Term and Long-Term Flicker
- Calculation of the Three-Phase Voltage Unbalance
- Harmonic Measurements (Referenced to the Fundamental or RMS Value) for Voltage, Current or Power, Up to 50th Harmonic
- Stores Up to 10,000 Alarm Events
- Displays of Harmonic Sequencing and Direction and Calculation of Overall Harmonics
- Real-Time Display of Phasor Diagrams Including Values and Phase Angles
- Monitors the Average Value of any Parameter, Calculated for a Period from 1 Sec to 2 Hrs
- Measurement of Active, Reactive and Apparent Power Per Phase and Their Respective Sum Total
- Calculation of Power Factor, Displacement Power Factor and Tangent Factor
- Recording, Time Stamping and Characterization of Disturbance (Swells, Sags and Interruptions, Exceedence of Power and Harmonic Thresholds)
- 2GB Internal Trend Recording Memory
- Additional Memory for Alarm, Transient, Inrush and Snapshot Storage
- Measurement of Energy VAh, VARh, Wh and VADh
- 65μs/Sample Trend Recording
- The Max and Min RMS Measurements are Calculated Every Half-Period
Each Unit Includes
- Dataview® Software for Configuring Data Storage
- Real-Time Display
- Analysis and Report Generation