Additel ADT760-LLP-DL for Rent, HH Automated Pressure Calibrator, +/-30"H2O Differential
HH Automated Pressure Calibratr +/-30"H2O Differential
Order #: ADT760-LLP-DL-RENT1
Mfg #: ADT760-LLP-DL-RENT1
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Additel ADT760-LLP-DL for Rent, HH Automated Pressure Calibrator, +/-30"H2O Differential
HH Automated Pressure Calibratr +/-30"H2O Differential
Order #: ADT760-LLP-DL-RENT1
Mfg #: ADT760-LLP-DL-RENT1
This small calibrator utilizes a built-in pump, state-of-the-art sensor technology, and precision control to generate the desired pressures all with a touch of a button.
Product Highlights
- Fully automatic calibrator with built-in pump and controller
- Switchable internal and external pressure modules for expandable ranges
- Less than 5 lbs for handheld operation
- Source pressure, measure pressure, electrical, and temperature
- 4 channels
- HART communications
- datalogging and task documentation features
- USB, Wifi, and Bluetooth communications
- Pressure Range: ±10 inH2O
- Accuracy: 0.05%FS
- Stability: <0.005%FS
- Connection: Barb fitting
- Pressure Type: Differential, Gauge
Each Unit Includes
- ADT760 Handheld Automated Pressure Calibrator
- Built-in pressure module to maximum range
- NIST-traceable certificate of calibration
- Manual
- Additel ADT155-DP1 for Rent, Differential Pressure Module for ADT760, +/-1"H2ODifferential Pressure Module for ADT760,+/-1"H2O
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Mfg #: ADT155-DP1 FOR RENT
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