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Consistent, Accurate Process and Traceability

Precise, reliable calibrations on a consistent basis depend on controlled processes under tight supervision. Given the vital importance of measurement accuracy in your processes, trust only a provider who:

Provides the quality and accuracy you need

  • We ask questions upfront to understand your needs as a calibration service customer in order to provide the best service tailored to your needs.

Performs extra measurements to assure accuracy

  • We will test additional points above those specified by OEM's if necessary to make sure the instrument being calibrated meets its specifications across its entire measurement range.

Has oversight in place to assure that proper processes are being followed

  • All our labs undergo multiple types of audits including NVLAP external audits, internal technical and quality lab audits, random daily data-desktop audits and parameter verification audits.

Is constantly seeking new ways to improve their process, assure more accurate results, and serve you better.

  • Transcat has a dedicated Quality Team providing constant oversight for our processes and works on continuous improvement and refinement of those processes.

Click Here to see just one element that sets us apart from our competition.


  • Transcat provides centralized control of datasheets and processes across all our lab locations. You can rely on consistent processes for the same instrument no matter which of our labs does the calibration.
  • Consistent calibration practices are assured by our Quality Team who research and refine our calibration processes on a full-time basis, who audits our processes.


  • Transcat often checks more points than competitors. This translates into more accurate measurements across the instrument's entire measurement range, thus better fulfilling your requirements and reducing your risk.
  • Unlike many of our competitors, Transcat allows you the flexibility of making calibrations customizable to your own particular requirements. You'll have added confidence at the points relevant to your specific processes.
  • Transcat has processes in place to help you proactively mitigate risk and prevent out-of-tolerance conditions.
  • Transcat always verifies out-of-tolerance results ‚ twice‚‚thus lowering the chance for error and decreasing the need for unnecessary risk-related follow-up on your part.
  • Transcat performs Guardbanding, a process where we adjust an instrument, if there is a measurement risk of being out-of-tolerance, even if it is currently in tolerance. Fewer out-of-tolerance situations translate into increased up-time, lower costs and less time spent chasing adverse implications.


  • Traceability is a core element of our registration and accreditation processes.
  • All our calibrations meet the NIST definition of measurement traceability.
  • We have a true reverse traceability system and provide appropriate notifications when required