AccuMac AM1750-12-P for Rent, Secondary Reference PRT with Infocon -200C to 670C Probe
Secondary Ref.PRT w/Infocon -200C to 670C Probe
Order #: AM1750-12-P-RENT1
Mfg #: AM1750-12-P-RENT1
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AccuMac AM1750-12-P for Rent, Secondary Reference PRT with Infocon -200C to 670C Probe
Secondary Ref.PRT w/Infocon -200C to 670C Probe
Order #: AM1750-12-P-RENT1
Mfg #: AM1750-12-P-RENT1
Product Highlights
- Temperature range: -200 °C to 670 °C
- Accuracy: ±0.006°C at 0.01°C
- Long term drift: ±0.019°C
- Short term stability: 0.002 °C
- Temperature Coefficient 0.003925
- W(Ga)>=1.11807
- Inconel sheath
- 12 Inch Probe Length
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